Thursday, October 12, 2006

Tanner's Birth Story

We arrived at the hospital at 8pm on Wednesday October 11 for my induction. I was put in Labor and Delivery room 4 and given a medicine to help my cervix prepare for labor. That pill was given at 9pm, I was 1 cm dilated. At 10 pm I was given an Ambien to help me sleep. It was then my contractions started. I was pretty much awake all night, despite the Ambien.

At 3am October 12 I was given another dosage of the cervix medicine. At 4 am I was checked again. I then took a shower, got and IV and started walking the halls. At 6am I was still only 1 cm, and the Pitosin was started.

By 11 am my contractions were 3 minutes apart and strong! At 11:40 the doctor broke my water and placed a monitor on Tanner’s head because we kept losing him on the monitor. At this point I was almost 2 cm dilated and the contractions were getting more and more painful. Finally at 12:30 I got a shot of Demerol/Phenergan, which did nothing for the pain, but made me pass out in between contractions. No help!! By 3 pm I could not stand the pain, contractions had been 3 minutes or less apart for hours now, I got an epidural. SWEET RELIEF!!!!

At 3:15 my friend Suzann arrived. About that time we noticed lots of dips in Tanner’s heart rate on the monitor. At 5:00 my doctor came back and checked me again and I was still only 2 cm, even after all this time and contractions. That and the fact that Tanner was not handling the labor well prompted her to say we needed to do a C-Section right away. At 5:20 I was in the operating room. Jerry came in after I was strapped to the table and the anesthesiologist was with me as well. The first cut was about 5:30 and Tanner was born at 5:41.

By 7:30 or so I was out of recovery and back in my room. Tanner was still in the nursery getting cleaned up and tested, etc. Jerry went there and took a video for me so I could see him, I was so anxious!! FINALLY about 8:30 they brought him to me. I could not love anything or anyone more. All I want to do is hold him and kiss him forever.

Tanner is such a wonderful baby and I would go through every second of pain and discomfort all over again for him in a heartbeat.

Tanner Reid

October 12, 2006

5:41 PM

Emergency C-Section

7 Lbs 11 Ounces

20.5 inches Long

14 inch head

1 minute APGAR 9

5 minute APGAR 10