Sunday, February 25, 2007

Tanner's First Trip to Florida

We went to Florida last weekend, Tanner’s longest road trip to date. We left on Friday, 2/16 and drove to Valdosta, about 5 hours from home and got a hotel. We were 5 miles from Florida, yet when we woke the next morning there was ice on the car!

We made the rest of the trip and arrived in Deland about 11 am. We were staying at Kristina’s (my step mom) sisters house, which is next door to Kristina’s parents, where she, dad and Cap stayed.

Tanner stayed up a good deal on Saturday and at one point Great Grandpa Bob. Grandma Kristina, Uncle Cap, Tanner and mommy went on a walk, which T fell asleep on.

That night we went out for Mexican and then home we went and off to bed.

Sunday Tanner stayed the whole day with Grandma (KC) while Mommy, Daddy and Grandpa went to the NASCAR race. All told he did great!

Monday we made the entire trip back home, about 9 hours.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

4 month update

Tanner turned 4 months old Monday! Time sure does fly!

He went to the doctor and here are his stats:

3 months 4 months

16lb 3oz 17lb 10 oz

24 in long 25.5 inches long

The new doctor is very pleased with Tanner’s progress! He was really impressed that Tanner sat UNASSISTED Sunday at my mom’s!

Speaking of progress, I just looked over and Tanner has rolled over again! What a big boy!

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Rolly Polly

Tanner rolled over today for the first time! From his back to his tummy!